Friday, 11 May 2012

Love Your Momma, Lole Style!

Let's be honest, Mom's do a lot. Mom's are the ones that feed us, clothe us and comfort us when we don't come first in that big race. They also try to talk us out of stupid things that we adrenaline junkies crave.They worry, they love, they drive us to our sports practices; and they always make sure that we are happy and healthy.
Because we appreciate everything that Mom does for us, we want to give you a chance to show your appreciation too. If you come into our Queen street shop and be one of the first 10 people this Saturday to tell a staff member that "My Mom is Rad!" we'll give you a free scarf from Lole (value of $35!) in support of your mom's Rad-ness.

Thank you Mom, for always supporting our crazy extreme ways!
Here is a tribute to some staff moms!

Mike's Momma, Juliette
Mary, being an awesome Momma to Emily & Robyn
Brian's Momma, Ellen
Dani's Momma!

Kaylee's Momma, Marilyn

We love you Moms!
Make sure you guys stop in and say the phrase to get your momma lookin' fancy in that Lole Scarf!

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